Become a Peer Reviewer for the Jacquelyn Sanders Foundation Research Fellowship
Join us in making a meaningful impact by becoming a Sponsor / Peer Reviewer for the Jacquelyn Sanders Foundation Research Fellowship. As a sponsor, you will actively support graduate students from challenged nations, working together to create compelling stories about the cultural or physical conditions in their communities. This collaboration fosters a deep relationship between you and your fellow, built on sharing and mutual growth. We call it “active giving” where you have a hands on role in the use of your charitable donation. You are being offered to work directly with one of our Fellows to develop a research report that should be interesting enough for us to publich in the Sustainable Vision Journal or in the Academic Journal. What a great way to be hands on in your giving?!
As a sponsor, you could collaborate with your fellow on any one or more of the following:
- Develop captivating narratives about relevant environmental topics.
- Photograph and document the natural beauty within the fellow’s homeland.
- Write engaging articles comparing daily activities between your land and the fellow’s land.
- Co-author an academic articles on research topics such as off-grid water management, tree conservation, or natural habitat preservation or rehabilitation.
This partnership offers academic support to the graduate student. They get an opportunity to apply their schooling to a real question that should be researched and solved or profiled. this offers a rich cultural exchange opportunity that can broaden perspectives for both parties. The Foundation requests a donation from sponsors for participation, directly funding the fellows’ research activities. Fellows typically receive $25 for a graphic article, which might be featured in the Sustainable Vision Journal, or $50 for a 5000-word academic article. Academic Article topics should be agreed with the Foundation.
How much time would I need to invest in this exchange with my Fellow? The answer to that question is up to you. The Foundation does not typically place a deadline on Article delivery. We are thrilled to make the introductions and are also thrilled to receive the finished articles when they are approved for completion by the Sponsor. When the sponsor has accepted the Article… the Foundation will pay the student their Stipend! If you continue to stay in contact with your Fellow .. great!
Additionally, if you choose to “peer review” an article as an Academic Reviewer, the Foundation will propose an appropriate topic to pair a perfect match. Your involvement will be instrumental in guiding and refining the fellow’s work, contributing to their academic and professional development.
Engage with us in this transformative journey and help build bridges of knowledge and understanding across cultures. Apply now to become a Peer Reviewer and sponsor a fellow’s growth and success!